
Quest and Kendal defend their territory Don Mills

May 27, 2012 - Toronto - Don Mills

Ann Brokelman Reports:
While at Harlequin today I had a real treat.
Quest was at the nest feeding the young (all 3)
She came to the front of the nest and I can see 2 eyas in photos
Kendal was on the ledge two windows down - sleeping
Suddenly Quest starts to scream (thought she wanted food)
Quest takes off and Kendal after her.
The speed was unbelievable (I couldn’t barely see them with my eye).
kendal went in front of us towards the highway at killer speeds
Quest took off to the west at killer speeds
I could see in the distance two TV’s who made the mistake of coming to close.
Kendal attacked them both over and over
Quest came back to your office Donna and just sat there
Kendal escorted the TV far far away.
Ann Brokelman

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