
Haven Very Active

May 26, 2012 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Frank Butson Reports:

Canada Square report Saturday May 26 2012.


I arrived at 5:09 pm and having cleaned up a bit of the litter left by others I sat down to observe the peregrines. However, before the peregrines put in an appearance I spotted a turkey vulture flying really high from the north east to south east.

Concentrating on the turkey vulture I missed the arrival of Haven. I did see her take off from the south face of Rio-Can and circle over the building five or six times until she disappeared behind it. Five minutes later I saw Haven on the scrape ledge and then disappear to the back on the south side of that ledge. Fifteen minutes after that she left the ledge and flew to Rio-Can with the remains of a meal in her talons. She appeared undecided about what to do. She was there for a minute and then picked up the remains in her talons again and flew to the building below the mast at 2180 Yonge where she flew to the second window ledge and deposited (stashed) the food. Having ensured it was secure she flew to the fifth wall/upright on Canada Square before flying back to RC.

Ten minutes later Haven flew back to the nest and disappeared to the back, this time on the north side of the ledge. Half an hour later I was chatting to someone and missed who it was I saw fly behind RC and disappear again. Fifteen minutes after that I saw Haven fly from the south straight to RC with a food parcel. I assume she has picked up her stash from the mast building at 2180. A couple of minutes later she flew to the nest ledge and disappeared again on the north side.

Twenty minutes later Haven appeared at the edge, bit at something bloody, dropped it onto the ledge below her and flew to the RC building. Over the next few minutes she flew to the wall above the nest ledge, dropped onto the ledge and walked to the back, came to the edge again and sat there for thirty minutes at which point I left.

I did not see Stormin at all during these few hours.


I was glad to hear that Herb had dropped by to introduce himself to Lyn as he will be part of the fledge watch team at Canada Square in a few weeks when things get going there.