
!!! Janet Returns!!

May 30, 2012 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Frank Butson Reports:

Tracy and I arrived onsite and did a quick search in her car, around the MEC buildings and abit of the nearby neighborhood for Janet. Again just as yesterday, no luck. As Tracy left for the morning she noticed Sante paying attention to the condo Janet had landed on the day before. She called me and let me know. I positioned so I could see the condo and several of the 4 MEC buildings.  When we cant find a juvenile, we have learned to watch the adults.  The new female, was perched and looking towards the condo. Twice she took  off with purpose in that direction. I was unable to see why, but hoped she may be seeing Janet. I re-positioned to see the condo even better and saw Sante swoop at the condo roof  level. I couldnt see person nor Peregrine on the roof, but knew it was one or the other. The female was sitting on the ledge under the JEVCO sign and Sante took up a position above her. It was so that if she took off to attack Janet he would be right on her.   Interestingly at this point around 1015am an adult Bald Eagle flew through the area causing the female to alarm call.  2 close Red-tailed Hawks caused the same reaction. 

 At around noon 2 then YES! a 3rd Peregrine came flying towards MEC 1. Janet had returned! Just as she went to land the adult female bumped her, but Janet recovered and landed in the back of MEC 1. Time passed and Janet flew into the nestledge. She is an accomplished flyer!  Soon the new female joined her. Both were in the box for at least 20min together, without altercation. Suddenly both blasted out of the box. Janet was again bumped by the female, which prompted Sante to get involved. They flew out of my view and I thought Janet had landed on the back of MEC 1 again. I waited and hadnt seen her in some time. Sante had positioned himself near the Desjardins sign and kept looking behind MEC1 into the distance towards some lowrise office building(5 stories). I walked closer and saw Janet being harrassed by American Robins.  She was safe and away from the fray. As darkness fell, we left Janet until tomorrow.  I made sure to call CPF staff and volunteers to give them the good news. I immediately got Kathy to post about Janet returning, as many MEC employees had asked about her earlier.  We’ll never know about Janet’s great adventure, but we are glad we know how this chapter of the story ended.

Sante and New Female Below Sante