
Ending the Tour at William Osler; No Eggs Yet

April 27, 2012 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Tracy Simpson Reports:

I concluded my whirlwind afternoon tour at the William Osler Hospital to check in on Chessie and Hurricane as they have been thinking spring lately.  When I arrived, I found Chessie on the southeast corner of the building preening the day away and there was no sign of Hurricane.  It was a mere 5 minutes later when he came rushing around from the west, flew in to the ledge and mated with Chessie.  Seconds later he was gone!  Chessie went right back to preening and so I headed up to the monitor for a peek at what is happening in the tray.  They certainly have been expanding on the scrape and making it just so for the potential eggs that she might still lay this year but sadly they have not arrived as of yet.  Back in the parking lot, Chessie was still on the southeast corner and in roars Hurricane again, this time into the tray.  Chessie ran, and I mean RAN down the ledge over to the tray with much excitement and vocalization as Hurricane had just brought in a treat.  The food was handed off to her and Hurricane beat a hasty retreat as she gobbled away!!  I will continue to check in on the pair regularly as the spring progresses and the weather warms.  Eggs are certainly not out of the question and it won’t be for lack of interest as the pair are courting, mating, scraping and bowing on a daily basis now.