
Resident Adults at MEC Incubating Four Eggs!

March 20, 2012 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:

I was out at the Mississauga Executive Centre site installing a new computer in an effort to reestablish the connection of the camera to the internet.  During the installation, I glanced over at the monitor and was treated to a view of the four eggs that the resident adults are currently incubating!!  The male was on the eggs at the time and was working diligently to keep them covered.  Unfortunately I was unable to fix the connection but I am back out at the site again in the next few days to try with the help of the great folks that keep the building running smoothly.  As I was leaving, a changeover occurred and the male flew up to the Dejardins sign.  He had several long stretches before taking off on a hunt.  Check back soon as we will be working feverishly to fix the internet connection and bring the live image to your right here on our website!