
Checking Up on Our Girl Infinity

November 19, 2011 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Frank and I stopped in today at the MEC site to check in on Infinity and her mate Eternity. We found Eternity on MEC 2 in his favourite spot facing the nest building but we couldn’t initially spot Infinity. As we were changing sightlines, she glided in from the northeast and swooped up beautifully to land on MEC 3. She wasn’t there long before she was off again and flew lazy recon circles around all of her buildings. She made a pass in front of Eternity and he then decided to join her in the sky for a tandem flight up to the nest box. This was followed by a great deal of vocalizations with her on top of the box and Eternity on the northern most corner of MEC 1. The male then took off on a hunt while she remained on the nest building. We were then joined by Winston who we were pleased to introduce to this site and pair. We then watched as Infinity made a very determined flight to the north but she was gone only a few minutes before returning to the nest building. It was there she stayed and relaxed through the rest of the evening.