
!!! Baby H is flying great!!! Afternoon report.

July 12, 2011 - Toronto - Don Mills

Bruce Massey Reports:

Arrived @ 1615 Hrs., initially saw no Peregrines. Started Walking West & after 5 or so Minutes and observed Quest then Harley fly into the top level of the Harliquin Building. I went behind the Nest Building, and after watching Harley do a good Flight (2-3 min) which included some Kiting, she made about a “9″ landing on the top roof Level of the Rose Coloured Building just to the East of Harliquin.

Murray showed up a few minutes later and filled me in on the days happenings. By now, Harley had flown on to the rear of the Harleqin Building so I followed her and set up in the shade of the Parking Garage. Soon after that Kendal came from the East and teased Harley stupid, all but landing on top of her with the food. That said it was an impressive flight display, all done with subtle movement of wings and tail no wing flapping.

A bit later, with no parents in area (At least that I could see) Harley decided to explore on her own. There was I would guess a 10-15 kph gusting wind and she kited w/ a little bit of trouble, got some height and then headed out to the West finally came to land on the 3 storey building with the White top. As I was walking over to check I was pretty sure that she flew a quite a good speed back by the Nest Building. I continued over to the Building anyway, and didn’t find her. I finally found her on the North Side of the Harliquin Building @ roof height.

I was relieved by Mark & Marion and left around 1915 Hrs.
Thanx Bruce
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