
!!! Striker is flying OK but Jet and Rhiannon are still ledge potatoes!

June 26, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Mark Nash Reports:

For the most parts, today was quite uneventful, with the exception of the last 2 hours of the day - from 7pm to 9:30pm. Arrived early in the morning around 7am to find both Jet and Striker on the same upper concrete ledge on the west side of the building that I left them on last evening.

At approx. 10:30 am, Rhiannon finally took her first flight, out and back only to land on a lower ledge on an upper elevation on the south west of the building, several floors lower than the nest ledge itself. She remained there until shortly after 3pm when she finally took a second short flight down to her brothers ledge and never flew again for the balance of the day. She appeared quite content to be with her two brothers. Striker on the other hand made several good flights from ledge and gained altitude on several occasions, finally with one of his last flights that put him back on the same ledge that he started from joining his two siblings.

All three of the fledglings spent most of the balance of the day together with various spirts of playing with each other, with allot of sleeping and laying down to relax beside one another. Some intimate family moments wee observed with allot of beak touching and huddling up to one another on many occasions.
Reuben (the resident adult male) was absent for most of the day again today, disappearing once again to the south west with only the occasional short visits to the nest building only to fly off again and out of sight disappearing for hours.

Linn on the other hand, was never out of sight of the fledglings with the exception of a few very short hunting forays all within my eyesight that yielded a few small kills, which she did bring in into the building throughout the day, but only offered two of the tiny kills to the kids. She did allot of teasing trying to coax them into flying, but no-one was budging. It is worth noting that neither of the resident adults made any pigeon kills at all, as all of the kills have been much smaller birds. As a matter of fact, there has been a noticeable absence of pigeons everywhere in and around of the Yellow Pages facilities!!

Unlike the last four days of this fledge watch, when all of the young falcons have for the most parts been completely in-active and down for the evening by 8 pm, this was not to be the case this evening. The “falcon follies” only just started by 7:30pm with all of them very active screaming to their parents for food, running back and forth flapping on the ledge. A lot of threatening to fly, but it was only Striker that did some short flights from ledge to ledge in an attempt to pursue mom as she moved her observation position around the on the north and west site of the building,, always just slightly out of reach.

By 9pm, everyone was once again laying down and retired for the evening and all activity seemed to stop. We stayed until 9:30pm when we were convinced that nothing was going to happen and close the watch down for the evening.

Stay tuned……