
!!! Behaviour Change, fine weather or a Hatch?

May 09, 2011 - Toronto - King Street

Linda Woods Reports:

Back to the monitor this morning. The Adult female did not move to show me a thing. She was a little more unsettled on the nest today. Perhaps the warm weather has her at ease.

This afternoon a return visit to the monitor. Forgot it’s all in shade and very difficult to see anything until the sun is off the while building across the street. The camera lens reacts to reflective light, thus the lens is reacting to the bright sunlight reflecting off the building. The male did make an appearance on the nest ledge. He sat there forĀ  a while then gingerly approached the female from behind. He stood there for a few minutes, but the female totally ignored him and did not move an inch. He eventually flew off. She did get up and adjust the eggs and I wasn’t quite sure if I saw a little white fluff,or just the white of her chest feathers. I’ll check again tomorrow .