
Activity at MEC; Two Eggs and Counting

March 30, 2011 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:

This afternoon I made my way out to MEC to check on our pair this year and was greeted with a tempting bit of pigeon at MEC 2 rooftop.  The tasty treat was not for me ( thank goodness, yuckers! ) but rather the unbanded male was courting and caring for his lady on the scene.  I scrambled to get the scope out and take a look as she had both legs in full view and of course, the minute I was ready, off she goes and into the nestbox.  I was able to get a glimpse of colour though and I am 99% sure that she is a Black over Red which coincides with observations last year and last week as well.  After abandoning the hope of actually getting alpha numerics off of the band, I made the climb to the control room to take a look at what she was up to.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that two eggs have already been laid and by the looks of her, all plump and dreamy, the third will be there tomorrow.  I then wandered over to MEC 3 and with the unwavering support of the security on staff, I was able to head up to the roof for another attempt at an ID on the female.  Once again, I had her in full view in the scope but to no avail as she had no intention of moving an inch and with her feathers draped around her band, I decided to leave her to her sleepiness and planned to try again in a day or so.