
!!! Resident adults sill on territory!

January 02, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

CPF Volunteer Reports:

While on my way home from the Scarborough Town Centre, I decided to drive past the Consilium Towers to see if there was any raptor activity.
Driving east along Progress Ave. brought me to 200 Consilium Place, the building situated on the North West corner of Consilium Place and Progress Ave. I quickly scanned the top of the building and found a lone peregrine on the 3rd tier of the southeast corner. After waiting for about 2 minutes, a second peregrine – of larger stature, my guess would be the female – came and landed on the same ledge as the other bird.
While no breeding was present, the birds were cheeyupping with each other and, given their close proximity to one another – no more than 30ft apart – I can safely say that this is a pair of birds who know each other and obviously tolerate each other very well.
My guess is that the 2 birds were Rueben and Lawrie, and that they will be using this location as their nesting site for 2011. I’ll swing by a couple more times this week to see if any more activity is happening.
Attila Papp