
2 Young Peregrines Spotted Flying Well

July 16, 2010 - Toronto - King Street

Frank Butson Reports:

I went to the St. Lawrence market this morning and had a look at the nest
ledge from afar and without binoculars and saw no Peregrines!  About 40 minutes later I was making my way back to the subway,when I heard the familiar squawks of a young Peregrine so my eyes went skywards!

I saw one youngster fly over the King Eddie Hotel. I think the second bird I saw was also a juvenile; it did not seem to have the fluid flight of an adult! I stood and waited and was rewarded by the sight of one adult (the body looked quite white compared with the youngsters I saw).
There was quiet and no activity for a few minutes and then squawking broke
out, frantic squawking, and I saw an adult with a food parcel fly from
southeast of the nest building over King Street in the direction of the nest
building. The youngster which was *on* the King Eddie flew from there to the nest building and then stopped squawking. By the time I had walked backwards a bit in order to see the top of the nest building the squawking stopped and the adult flew from that building eastwards. The adult had lost wing feathers both wings and I did not manage to make note of the tail before the bird disappeared from view.
I then saw the adult I had first seen, circle above the nest building and
then fly to the huge brown and glass building across Yonge from the nest
building where it perched - high up!