
!!! A new resident female has been identified in Niagara falls, with pair bonding being observed. Sadly although, no nesting this year.

June 28, 2010 - Niagara Falls

Mark Nash Reports:

With a huge thank you to Connie and the great watchers in New York, it would appear that some of the mystery has been solved with regards to the peregrine activity in Niagara fall this season.
With many visits and lots of time logged in, we have a pretty good idea as to what’s going on.
Photos showing that there is a new resident female, banded with a Black 42 over a Red H, indicating that the new female is a 2009 bird, produced I Canton Ohio,,, named “Diamond“.
Her mate is un-banded. They have been pair bonding and observed in and out of the nest ledge over the past few weeks, but there has been no incubation or food transfers, clearly indicating that there is not real nesting activity. Some great photos are included with this report, with many thanks to our friends in New York state.
All of the peregrines attention ad interests is still with the “hole in the wall” as we say, at the old Ontario Power Generation facility I the gorge. The only viewing of the nest site is from US side of the gorge.
Stay tuned………….