
2 Falcons Flying Fine and Tara Returned

- Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Frank Butson Reports:

Today was a good day. Although both Cyclone(female) and Typhoon(male),had some hectic flights and made the watchers frantic,by the evening both were flying very high and well.

I arrived to find Cyclone on the roof of the nest building,and it took ages to see Typhoon. Cyclone gave us fits flying and hiding. Typhoon just stayed hidden most of the day giving us only hints of a possible bird on the nestledge.  Harry and I scrambled madly when we saw Cyclone take off and go very low near Yonge and Eglinton. We thought she was going to the ground. Soon I saw her coming back towards me,barely clearing the traffic of Eglinton Ave,then the old TTC bus bays,heading in the direction of the raised parking garage. After some searching I tried going up a ramp and there she was on the wall of the parking garage. She was fine and reasonably high. At 12:48pm she finally took flight again and landed first on 53 Police Divsion. From there it aborted a landing on the Aviva building and ended up on the roof of `the reflective building`. We then lost sight of both juveniles for some time. While searches were done,eventually both were seen flying.

Mark Nash arrived with Tara,the name chosen for the 2nd female to come down from the nest. Tara`s band number is 22 over x . She has no tape.

At 810pm food was brought in. Both siblings were fed. Tara was returned to the ledge at about 930pm by Mark Nash. She was a very nasty bird to Mark.

Tara In Rescue Carrier Cyclone On Parking Garage