
Scarbourgh-Yellow Pages-Is there a Male in the Area.

May 20, 2009 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Bruce Massey Reports:

  The short answer is yes, when I arrived 1915 Hrs. there was a Male kiting high over the Building.  Then the Female appeared low around the building and then landed on the top. The Male then did a long shallow stoop to the other side of the building.  I finally found him on the North West sign, but other than getting a brief look at his US Fish and Wildlife Band, which in the Sun looked the regulation Silver.  He flew around a bit alighting on an antenna and then stooped off to the SouthWest.  By the time I arrived around that side he had landed just by the lights at the base of the Triangle. He was perched on a wire in the right position to see that his other Band was Black over Green, but with the distance plus the light I couldn’t make out any of the Numbers or Letters on it.  The other thing was in that  light the F&W Band didn’t look light but darker.  He stooped to the East and for the 2nd time in my Observing Peregrines I saw him killing the Prey in Mid-Air. He flew it around to the Nest Ledge and by the time  I had repositioned there was a bird on the Building to the West at the top of the building with rather noticeable Glass Arch.  As I scoped this bird it was I suspected, the male had swapped places with the Female (Lawrie). The Male later popped up at the Nest Ledge, and then swapped buildings with the Female. The male disappeared as I lost my light and was breaking down my Scope.