
Another Happy Day at the Lift Bridge - Chick Number 3

May 13, 2009 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:

Bill and I arrived at the bridge around 1:15 pm.  One adult was in the nest box and the other on the old nest ledge.  At 1:35, “Dad” picked up prey from a “picnic table” and commenced cleaning.  I guess ‘Mom” thought he was taking too long because at 1:41 she tore out of the nest box and stole the prey right out of “Dads” talons.  She went right to the nest box and commenced feeding the young.  The feeding lasted until 1:52 when “Mom” left the nest box and deposited the remains on the Hamilton Hydro Tower then returned to the nest box.  At 2:52 “Dad” stood guard on the corner of the nest box while “Mom” stretched her wings with a couple of circles around the tower.  She then retrieved the prey from the Hydro Tower and commenced the next feeding. 

Location – Location - Location

Mom remained in the nest box until 4:05, when a third falcon (by size I would guess another female) made an appearance and both “Mom” and “Dad” took chase.  The intruder was quickly driven off and “Mom” returned to the box while “Dad” stood watch from the Hamilton Hydro Tower.  They remained there until we left at 5:00 pm.

We are pleased to report that a third “little white head” appeared over the edge of the box today.  It appears to be quite a bit younger as it was doing the head bob while the others appeared stronger. 

We were also able to see through the scope that “Dad” is sporting a black band with what appears to be:       01 over V.

How Are The Kids Dear? Hey That Was Mine! It's For The Kids!