
!!! 2 adults on site, in and out of the hack box!!

May 12, 2009 - Scarborough - Bell

Mark Nash Reports:

Well, it appears that our mystery birds are back, and this time they seem pretty serious about things!  Another late night at the CPF office had us passing Pharmacy and Eglinton after 7pm only to see two adult peregrines hanging around the old hack box.  We pulled off and turned in to take a closer look.  After more than 2 hours of watching, well into the darkness, the two adult peregrines were observed in and out of the hack box on at least four occasions, and spent time together in the hack box out of our sight for several minutes at a time.  Lots of vocalizing and eee-chupping going on throughout the entire two hours.  While we didn’t see any copulations, we stayed until darkness in anticipation that might witness something to indicate that the two mystery birds were attempting to set up house.  Sadly, we only had a point and shoot camera on hand, and were unable to get any good photos.  No ID’s were confirmed.  We’ll be watching the site very closely from here on in.  Even “Portly” the groundhog was on hand to take a look at what all of the fuss was about.  Stay tuned……