

July 20, 2024 - Toronto - Don Mills and Eglinton - Amexon

Cathy Kerr Reports:
Sally, Rob and I arrived early the next day.  We found Lerxst on a letter, very quiet. Where were the other 2? We scanned high, no sign. Then, there, very low on a ledge we saw Gideon! What was she doing there? Not long after up popped Peter- he had been pancaked down. There they sat next to each other for quite some time. Peter finally flew off but came back and tried to get Gideon to join him but she wasn’t budging. And there she sat, moving a little bit but not much, all morning. We figured she must’ve had a bump.  We all left and came back in the late afternoon to check on her. She had flown and was now on the north side of the building, a few floors up from the morning, but still low. And there she stayed for a few hours. She  finally flew off west, low over the trees, out of sight. I was pretty sure I saw her go behind the condos but the boys were over there as well. Sally had to leave then.  It was getting late but Rob and I were determined to find her. We drove around the condos, scanning balconies etc. I pulled behind one and looked up… What was that bump? My trustee P900 lens zoomed in-peregrine!!  Ok now to try and get further back for an ID.. Without getting kicked out lol. We found a spot… I said that I recognized that face after watching it most of the day but I need proof. And she finally obliged and lifted that red band up for me! Way to go girl… She was feeling just fine now… At least 20 floors up.
All good, time to go lol.
Thanks Rob for his fantastic pictures!