

June 18, 2024 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Cathy Kerr Reports:
FLEDGE WATCH UPDATE - MISSISSAUGA EXECUTIVE CENTRE (MEC) - Saturday, June 15 - Tuesday, June 18, 2024
It is with great sadness that I am reporting the loss of our beloved COOPER (green tape).  Winston found her body on Saturday on an overhang low down on MEC1 which appears to be the result of an impact with the building.  Man, this is so hard
Because of this very hot week, Bruce and Winston came by in the evening, and I share Bruce’s report  “From what Winston and I saw tonight, I think that the MEC watch can be scaled back to spot checks.  It looks like the pair are flying together, and they weren’t getting into too much danger.  They were respectful of each other and if one wanted to break off and land the other one was allowing it
I wish so much for ALDA and OLYMPIA to be successful in learning all that it takes to move on to their next phase in life
Cheers, Lucie