

June 10, 2024 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Cathy Kerr Reports:
FLEDGE WATCH - MISSISSAUGA EXECUTIVE CENTRE (MEC) - Friday, June 7 - Monday, June 10.   To summarize, it’s been an up and down and then up again kind of weekend.
Friday, June 7 was a very rainy day.  Both Bruce and Winston report that all 3 remained on MEC 3 roof all day.
Saturday, June 8 was a different scenario.  Winston saw white come to ground, but couldn’t get to her fast enough.  She took off and the strong winds took her over the trees to somewhere ..   He had to leave before I got there, but Cathy and Sally, from Duncan Mill site, came over for awhile and did a search of the area where she headed with no luck.  I saw no sign of white for the rest of the day.   Winston came back to check around 8 and saw both red and green on the roof of MEC 3.  With the strong winds, it’s good that they stayed put. End of day - red and green on roof, white down somewhere
Sunday, June 9, got more interesting. And quite the day for me!
Winston came by in the late morning and saw red make 2 flights!  Second landing was not the greatest.  She missed the roof and ended up on the window level under the letters.  He saw Midnight kiting over the creek and thought she was looking at the roof of MEC 1 or some place beyond north of the buildings.  Lot of vocalizing from the crows too. I got there mid-afternoon and with the thought of white possibly being on MEC 1 in an area that might not be the greatest, I asked security to take me up where I can open the door and check in the area we call the ‘pit’.  Not the best place for a young peregrine to get stuck so good to check just in case.  The pit was all clear except for 2 pigeons that I interrupted.
I watched green on MEC 3 roof and red just underneath the letters and above the windows.  I parked myself out of the rain across the street where I got a good view of these 2.  I heard them screaming and one scream didn’t sound like it was coming from the roof.  It came from the trees beside me and sure enough, there was white.  I don’t know how long she’s been there, but it’s clear she’s been down for over a day and must be very hungry.  It didn’t help that when she vocalized, the crows were right there in her face vocalizing as well.  As I turned to look at the other 2 on the roof, I encountered mayhem in the sky!  Trying to figure out who’s who ..  2 parents, 1 juvie and the rest were crows.  Turns out red is now right beside me on a low roof (10 feet off the ground) on MEC 2 while her parents are swooping at the crows that were harassing her.  The crows had young ones in a tree right beside the roof and they were not pleased.  Security took me to a floor where I could see the roof, but nothing in sight.  I figured she was tucked in a corner.  So they took me across the street to the 10th floor of MEC 3 where I saw a tiny head (and as suspected) tucked in the corner.  Winston came by and I told him where she was but by the time I got back to MEC 2, she had popped up on the ledge where anyone could get great photos of her.  End of day - green on roof of MEC 3 (still hasn’t flown), red on low roof, white around the corner in a tree.
Monday, June 10, things were looking up (literally).  When Bruce arrived, red was still on the low roof, but white was now up on the roof with green! We hope white got a good feeding after that successful flight back up.  It was mostly a waiting game now with red trying to figure out what to do.  At around 7:00 pm, while sitting in her corner on the ledge, she lost her footing and went straight to the ground right in front me.  Bruce and I had her cornered and got her!  We put her back on the roof with her sisters, where at the end of the evening mom came by and gave her a good feeding.  End of day - all 3 back up on roof.
Cheers, Lucie