

May 24, 2024 - Toronto - Don Mills and Eglinton - Amexon

Cathy Kerr Reports:
Don Mills /Amexon update :  on March 26 we saw 3 eggs. We started hatch watch on April 29th. We went up and found 4 eggs, no hatch. Kept checking, no hatch. Now I knew the 3 eggs were definitely not viable any more, but since we did not know exactly when the fourth egg was laid, there was a possibility of a second clutch. Of her knowing that the others were not viable, she laid her final egg later. So I had to know. I decided that I would keep checking until May 31st, then call it. Sally and Rob went on this journey with me. Keeping on checking. On Friday 24th, I pulled into the parking lot and saw one parent land on a letter. So I drove down to check if the other parent was on a letter by the nest. Got my camera out and saw dad land on the nest ledge. With prey! And up popped Nagata, who grabbed it from him, then he also popped down! Hatch! Holding our breath, up we went and saw that lovely sight of a white fluff ball.  I did my happy dance… I’ve been fledge watching here for (now) 13 years… I’m so glad this year is a go!! Nagata sat on those eggs for at least 58 days…
Thanks to Sally and Rob for checking with me and for their great pics!