

June 08, 2024 - Toronto - Don Mills

Cathy Kerr Reports:
And another year done! All three are in the air and doing well.
Sally and I started the morning throughly enjoying watching all 3.  Rob joined us a little later in the morning.
We received a call from Lucie asking for help at MEC, so, as all 3 were good here, Sally and I headed out, leaving Rob and Ivy to finish the day and our fledge watch.
And boy did the kids not disappoint. So many flights.  Rob reports that they got to see Mom bring in a live bird to Roshan, who clearly did not know quite what to do with it(this was Mom’s attempt to teach her where her food comes from). The bird flew off with Mom in pursuit and Roshan not far behind. She was so excited she brushed the glass on the building across the street but she was ok.  Looks like the prey lived to see another day and Roshan learned a couple of lessons.
Dad did a lot of hunting… Mom brought in prey(dead this time) to the nest box and Tava grabbed it and flew off to the west, with Mom in pursuit. Before you knew it, Mom had the package and took it back to the nest ledge and fed it to Simba and Roshan.  Canuck had a heart to heart with Tava on another building lol.   Lots of teachable moments that’s for sure.  They have so much to learn in the next few months in order to survive.
Rain moved in and Rob called it a day.  He shared some fantastic pictures… Thank you again Rob!
A long watch but a successful one.  I want to thank our great fledge watch team,Bob, Rob, Ted, Sally (even though away, remotely supporting!),  newcomer Mike who joined us this year and Ivy! Great job everyone, couldn’t have done it without all of you!
And the great support from our nest building and their security… Ramesh and Mano, thank you so much for all your help again this year!
I sure missed Marion, it will never be the same without her and we sure missed Mark but I thank him so much for his advice and help when needed even though he is grieving.
We will continue to spot check and report on our little family here. Stay high, stay safe Tava, Simba and Roshan