

June 06, 2024 - Toronto - Don Mills

Cathy Kerr Reports:
And she’s in the air!
I arrived and did not see Roshan. All of a sudden there was a huge alarm calling over the copper building… There were 4 peregrines in the air, alarm calling. Parents quickly put the boys on the building next door and continued to dive bomb. I headed over, checking ledges and ground along the way. I headed into the building and found the very nice security guard. He had been on the roof doing his rounds and got a good up close and scary look at the parents.  I explained the situation and all good. Plus he’d keep a eye out for wayward fledglings.
I was going to do the rounds looking for Roshan when I saw Mike. He said Roshan was on the same ledge, I looked and sure enough there was a head. Ugh.
I then headed to my car, when our maintenance guy said hey, there was a fledgling next door 3rd level. Now, we had just seen the boys come in for a feed on the roof so… And son of a gun, there was Roshan! He said she was there when all the alarm calling was going on. So it was one of the boys on the ledge! Fooled us lol. So she made a fairly good first flight. We watched her there(joined by Rob) for a few hours when she took off, low but gained amazing height trying to get across up to the roof of the nest building beside her brother but she just missed, dropped then went around to the front of the nest building and landed on the sw. corner, 3rd floor. Not bad!  She ledge walked one over and spent the next 4 hours there. Dad brought lunch. All good.
Until she slipped off(possibly a wind gust??) and dropped to the ground. She was facing the dreaded forest, so I got by her to try to stop that. It worked but she turned and flew up the driveway, across the street, just missed being hit by a truck and disappeared down the street.
Bob, Ted, Mike and his wife, and I were off after her. But she was nowhere to be seen. Everyone took a different route from there. I turned and went back the way she went, cause I just knew she was there. I listened and the neighbourhood birds told me where she was. A tree! I looked and there she was tucked right in surrounded by branches and leaves. Oh Roshan. What a pickle she was in.  We settled in to wait but she never moved for the next 4 hours, until dark. Now Sally (who was back and joined us) and I had been here before with Tardis. And she got herself out of the same type of jam years back.  So, Roshan… Your turn
I planned to be back at dawn the next morning.
Day 10 next…
Thanks to Ted, Rob and Taufik for the great pics