

May 31, 2024 - Toronto - Don Mills

Cathy Kerr Reports:
I arrived to find Tava had flown again and was now down on the 2nd level. We watched him ledge hop all morning.
Simba and Roshan hung out together all day. Simba did some very great practice flights from the top of the nest box right across the ledge… Very smart of him.
Bob, Rob and Ted joined me in the morning. Ted had to leave around noon, Bob left to let his dog out and Rob and Ivy went to get us some lunch.
So I was by myself when Bellatrix came into the nest box.  Tava was directly below, 3 floors down. He hadn’t been fed, so he got very excited. I watched him with wings out looking up, then he was down, a gust of wind took him! Saw him directly below on the walkway. I headed over, towel in hand. I went straight to him, he saw me and took off… Now the walkway is surrounded by glass. So he turned and flew very low down the walkway. A woman came out of the building and was walking away from us. Tava was headed straight for her. I called out.. Miss! Can you please move over… She turned, screamed. And Tava stopped dead in his tracks lol. Of course I say, great! Can you please just stay there while I grab him? She screams noooo and turns and runs away!! I had to laugh.
Now Tava has a clear path and is off low again to the end and stops at the glass. A lovely woman was coming up the stairs so I asked her if she could please wave at him. She did. And I had him! I thanked her for helping me rescue a peregrine falcon.
I checked him over and he looked good. So he had a time out. Meanwhile Rob and Ivy had returned and saw the tail end of the rescue.  Bob returned and we got Tava up to the roof. Mom and Dad immediately alarm called and swooped around but we were quick. And Tava was even quicker… The second we were up the stairs, he was out, called out to his parents and all was good.  Dad brought him a pigeon and we didn’t see him again for close to an hour lol.
Shortly after that, Simba and Roshan were delivered a nice package.
So, it’s 830…all good right? No, Tava decided to make another flight, Mom was with him in a flash and steered him onto the building next door where he first clung to the window before dropping down on the ledge. She stopped him from heading off to the ravine. Great job Bellatrix! She then went and checked on the other two before settling down to watch both ledges.  And there we left them for the night. All high and safe.
Long day, but a good one.
Hoping for some good flights tomorrow… Maybe one from Simba too???