

May 13, 2024 - Toronto - Don Mills

Cathy Kerr Reports:
And, as Marion wished…
Banding day at Don Mills :
It’s 2 boys and a girl for Canuck and Bellatrix!  The day started gloomy and rainy but by the time we got to the roof, the sky brightened and the clouds even parted for a bit. John our wonderful climber got the chicks out quickly and into our banders Mark Heaton and Eva Boback hands. And as also  a Marion wish, Ted and Rob were there to name them. Roshan from the building named the 3rd.   All went smoothly and we have 3 healthy chicks!
Boy, 660 g, C/48, blue tape named Simba
Boy, 660g, C/49, red tape named Tava
Girl, 810 g, 32/AB, white tape named Roshan.
Thanks to John, Mark Heaton, Eva and Sally for your great help and support.