Rescue of Scuttle at MEC June 2nd
June 03, 2023 - Mississauga - Executive Centre
Marion Nash Reports:
MEC fledge watch started unofficially yesterday. based on the age of the chicks we started the watch but did not expect any of the chicks to fly yet as they still had so much fluff on them.. Bruce was on site so when security saw one of the fledglings on the ground they contacted him and the chick was rescued. The chick made Bruce do a bit of running to catch her. Bruce called me to let me know she was in the carrier inside MEC1 to hold for later release because not having seen her come down we wanted to make sure she was ok. It turns out it was Scutttle and he believed since she was found at the base of the building she slipped of the edge and fluttered down to the ground so no actual intended flight. Mark went out last night to examine her and found her to be just fine and agreed with so much down still on her she did have a slip off the ledge. She was put back up on the roof so Mom and Dad can find her in the morning. Hopefully Scuttle will hold off on scuttling on the edge until she is a bit older and ready to fly.
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