
Assisting the Bee keepers at Yellow Pages Scarborough Nest

July 22, 2022 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Marion Nash Reports:

On Friday July 22nd Mark went out to help the bee keepers by watching out for and protecting them from Linn and her wrath while they tended the bee boxes on the 12th floor. Linn did make er presents known and gave her usual verbal and stoop warning but was far less aggressive now that Piper is flighted. She flew off to the north side of the building and left them alone while they worked. Not long after George flew in with food and Piper joined him in the sky yelling to be fed. Mark got to see a mid air transfer of the food package from George to Piper and saw the 2 fly around to the North side of the building. When the work was done and they were back on the ground Mark looked for the peregrines but no one was in site. I was so hot and he expected they were all hunkered down on the ledges someplace in the shade.