
!!! Jewel’s release & Corona flying well!

June 22, 2022 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

While Jewel’s release is scheduled for later on this afternoon, Corona continues to spread her wings and has had more and more successful flights and landings. She seems to have longer flights and is getting fed well. Corona even chased some pigeons and is taking her peregrine flight and hunting lessons seriously.

Jewel was released from King’s Tower just after 3:30, flew right away and with an adult heading towards downtown Kitchener. She headed for a crane on Walter Street. Volunteers immediately headed out after her and at first glance thought she was perched precariously on top of the crane. Later it was confirmed that it was a red tailed hawk that was having trouble staying on top of the crane, due to the wind, not the young peregrine. The volunteer team continued to search for Jewel while Corona continued to improve her skills around the nest box tower.

Kellie reported: “Corona had an eventful evening. One of her parents brought in a package and was prepping it high on the King’s Tower antenna. After some initial screaming, Corona launched off of the nestbox tower and made a beautiful ascent to the King’s Tower, landing across from her parent on the triangular part of the structure. Then she took another short flight and landed right where her parent was, got the food, and chowed down for several minutes.

Later, she took a few more fantastic flights between the nestbox tower, the hospital, and King’s Tower. She was cruising along over the hospital parkade and the church when a pigeon got a little too close and she actually chased it for a few seconds! It was so thrilling to see her twist and turn with the pigeon! There was likely no chance she would catch it, but it was so awesome to see her chase it. The pigeon probably didn’t have the same opinion.

Finally, her parents were coming and going frequently throughout the evening, but at one point, she was on the railing of the top level (white platform) as she stared down at her parent who was on the red platform. She walked along the railing for a bit, and then made a wonderfully controlled jump/drop almost directly below to the red platform. It might not seem significant, but it showed that she’s starting to learn how to be a bit more careful with her landings, and planning her route to where she wants to go. Well done, Corona!!”

Photos courtesy of Karen von Knobloch, Kellie Superina & Michelle Graham