
!!! An empty nest! Corona & Jewel fledged !!!

June 18, 2022 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

Amy & Piper reported a pretty quiet morning. Breakfast was delivered. Corona is still flapping alot and both Jewel and Corona were on the porch with a parent sitting above for most of the time. Karen took over the watch at 9:15 and reported that “the kids have been fairly quiet, both adults are around and have taken short flights here and there. Ralph stopped in and Heather is here for her shift. All 4 are accounted for at the moment. The girls both have huge crops. One of the adults took off and bumped a turkey vulture who was in their air space. In the image of the parents together on the tower, pretty sure the one on the railing is the Mom judging by the larger size and is a little browner than the male who is just above her. He seems a bit more slate gray in colour and smaller in stature.” Heather reported a quiet watch at 1:00.

Kim and Tim took over the watch at 4:45. One girl was in the nest box and an adult was on the platform in front of the nest box. Jewel was lower down in the tower. Less than an hour later, Kim and Tim rescued Corona! Tim saw Jewel take a flight with one of the parents from the small barrel just over from the tower. Kim reported: About 10 minutes later I saw Corona take off and took a loop on the Pine St side, tried to land, missed and ended up on King Street!! I don’t think I have yelled at cars to stop that loud in my life. What a day!!!!” Rudy did an assessment a short time later and reported Corona had no injuries. Good news! Jewel was reported to be in the middle of the platform of the top platform when last seen by Kellie.

Photos courtesy of Karen von Knobloch & Kellie Superina