
!!! Canada Square June 115th Afternoon

June 16, 2021 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Marion Nash Reports:

After her fledge and low landing Ayala went MIA. Bruce looked down to answer a text and when he looked up again she was no longer on the walkway one floor up. He walked around Canada Square down Eglinton and Young st but did not find her on the ground or on any low ledge. I did the same thing once I got there but no sign of her, Bruce took another look around in the evening before dark but no luck. Hopefully she will turn up on her own tomorrow it won’t be the first time a fledgling has done just that leaving us to wonder where on earth they were. Her brother Nathan on the other hand is flying wonderfully and has been to several high roof tops today and has made at least a dozen flights with good targeted landings. Her sister Coco is still on the nest ledge but is ready to take her first flight. should be soon.