Bacquerel Fixed and Free April 27,2021
April 27, 2021 - CPF Events
Marion Nash Reports:
As reported early this spring Bacquerel band number X over 75 produced at
the Ontario Power Generation Pickering nest in 2017 had been found in
Downtown Toronto injured and taken to Toronto Wildlife. We expected that he
had gotten into a fight with the male from the 18 King site since he had
been seen there only a couple of weeks prior.
I am happy to report that he was finally been given the green light to be
released. Today we sent Mark Nash to pick him up and take him to be released
in an area with no other peregrine nests and loads of prey. All went well
and Bacquerel flew off free from captivity and as a bachelor free from
responsibility but we hope the latter will change soon this time without
getting into a fight.