

June 26, 2019 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Marion Nash Reports:

I stopped in at Canada Square nest site tonight to check on the four fledglings and see how they were doing. At first I couldn’t find anyone. Then slowly the heads began to pop up as Haven was making passes at pigeons in the neighborhood. The first juvenile to stick it to head up was way up on top of the Rio Can building . It had been flat out sleeping and so was difficult to see. The second juvenile was up on top of the Heart and Stroke building. Another high flier! Haven then settled in on the upright right above the nest ledge and up popped head number three. This juvenile was down on what we call the porch and was looking for some shade. I was still missing one and was waiting patiently for that fourth head to pop up. When it did finally make an appearance, what a grand appearance it was! This juvenile came in from out of nowhere and was soaring on the thermals above the nest building. It continued to circle and soar for a good 2 to 3 minutes before finally landing on the roof of the Canadian Tire building. Unbelievable flight by this one. Three of these juveniles are definitely checkmarks and the fourth, the one on the porch, we will be watching tomorrow to see how it does. I was able to take some photographs of the young ones but being that they are distant I will have to look on my computer at home and blow the photos up to get tape colour and properly identify who is who. More to come.


TORONTO SHERATON - Both chicks fledged

June 25, 2019 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Marion Nash Reports:

if the nest ledge looks empty to you on the camera that’s because it is! Both Bonvoy and Quinn have fledged. Bruce has been watching Bonvoy all day and he has been an exceptionally high flier. He has been going from the roof of the hotel, across the street to the Hilton and back again. His choices have been excellent, his recoveries amazing and overall he has done very very well. Quinn took his flight later this evening and he has stayed high as well! He flew over to the roof of the Hilton where he made a decent enough landing. Bruce was joined by Linda and the two continued to watch the young ones as they navigated their new environment. According to Bruce, Bonvoy is all but a checkmark and Quinn will need to be watched for another day or so to be certain that he stays high.

Update Yellow Pages

June 25, 2019 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Marion Nash Reports:

Mark checked the site on June 21st and again on June 24th there still 4 eggs but no hatch as of yet.


June 24, 2019 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Marion Nash Reports:

Canadian Peregrine Foundation
Published by Lucie
Day 6 .. Sunday morning started with AVRO flying from his perch at the condo to a billboard right at the corner of Bloor and Islington (busy intersection!) where he remained ALL day .. until he finally decided to walk over the low rise business buildings where he reached a corner .. and then .. took off. Problem was .. he didn’t take off, he just went to ground .. right in front of traffic and boy it was close! but we got him!! Thank you to my CPF friend Cathy Kerr, who was amazing!! She ran onto the road and we stopped traffic, and got this little bugger. Yay! Feisty guy looked good and even shook the carrier while he was supposed to be resting up.

Finally up on the roof, he was greeted by his sister and it all looked good until Mom decided she was going to tease them with food. It was too late at night (after 9:00) and we wished she just put them to bed. Instead, she just got them going. Sigh! So much commotion and at some point, it didn’t look like AVRO would made height, but it was getting dark and there was nothing we could do. We would have to wait until morning to see where they were.

Day 7 .. All 3 were sighted on Monday morning, and were quiet for most of the day, especially AVRO, who really vegged out all afternoon. i didn’t hear him during the day, but finally as I stopped by in the evening after 6, he was on the roof and hungry.

BLISS was on the condos without a care in the world. She must have been fed and was quite content. No sound from her at all. D’Arcy came in with food, and although both boys were screaming, it was AVRO, who was the real vocal one. D’Arcy brought in prey and prepped it in front of both boys on a perch just above them. She took the package and circled the building several times, finally stopping and giving some to ARIES. AVRO flew to the Mondolez building and D’Arcy went after him with the rest of the food and I didn’t see him after that. She stayed with him for a long time then flew back to the nest ledge. Lucky came in with some food for ARIES, then flew off to the west side of the Mondolez building.

What impressed me most about tonight was the difference from last night! Perhaps it’s because nobody was missing and D’Arcy and Lucky were more relaxed. Bedtime was a different routine. D’Arcy teased them at 7 pm (not like last night at 9 pm). There was no activity in the air and by 9 pm, everything was quiet!! Lucky was on the Moneris sign facing west. D’Arcy left AVRO on the Mondolez building and flew back to the nest ledge. ARIES saw her and flew to the south ledge of the nest building. He gave a few quiet screams then stopped. I saw BLISS take a flight back to the condos. Wow!! I waited a few more minutes just to be sure and left at 9:15.

Cheers, Lucie

Quinn down reported by good citizen

June 24, 2019 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Marion Nash Reports:

I got an email today that one of the falcon chicks had come down between York st and University ave on Adelaide street (next to the Hilton, pool level). I contacted Bruce who was out pounding the pavement looking for him. The information helped him locate Quinn who was uninjured and Bruce was able to rescue him . Great job as always Bruce and a big thanks to Lucas who sent us the email report of a falcon down and for taking the photos below.

Release back to ledge tonight stay tuned for that story and more photos.


!!! 4 checking out the view

June 24, 2019 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill

Doug Garbutt Reports:

Here’s a great shot of our 4 juvies on the nest ledge from a few days ago.

ETOBICOKE UPDATE: Reported By Cathy Kerr

June 23, 2019 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Marion Nash Reports:

Lucie,Tracy & I were joined this afternoon by Mark & Marion to watch our family. Lucie and I positioned ourselves to watch over Avro who was still on the billboard, while Mark & Marion settled to watch our girl Bliss and Tracy attempted to leave to join Bruce downtown. I had just left Lucie to find my misplace wallet, when Lucie radioed! Avro had left the billboard but just landed on the back of the building. I headed back to the watch the front and out he popped and started walking down the building rooftops along Bloor street. Lucie joined me and we watched him get to the end of the row…He looked around, walked to the back and front again..and took off…well kinda jumped and flew slightly and down he came over one lane, two lanes…lower and lower…a car was coming-I remember yelling at it, not to hit my bird(!!) and it just missed him!!! Out onto the road we went-arms up stopping traffic! He stopped in the middle of the road, Lucie was in front, me in back-I said get him Lucie(she was closest) but the thing about a bird that has been rescued once, they remember…and as soon as Lucie raised that towel, he was off!! Hopping, skipping, half flying…We were so worried a car would get him!! But he hit the ground and the chase was on!! Oh my what a sight we must have been…two women chasing a bird down Bloor St.!!! He stopped a couple of times and turned and bolted the opposite way when we tried to towel him. Ugh. When we finally got him, Lucie got her towel over his back end(almost somersaulting over him lol) and I got my towel over his head as he flipped over and started hissing..and we had him! Whew. I gently gathered him up and handed him to Lucie…Then realized that traffic was slowing inching around us–omg we are still on the road lol!! The people on the patio of the local bar had a front row seat lol–they did call out and ask us what kind of bird we had !! Omg an audience ….oh well , maybe not the prettiest rescue, but we got him! Mark and Tracy met us at this point(Tracy had been in her car, heading to Bruce). They checked him over, all good! Off Tracy went and into a crate for a short rest for Avro! He’s a fiesty one that’s for sure!! Mark put him back up on the roof shortly after. In no time he was up and looking around! His siblings both came to visit–a lovely family reunion! Dad brought food, which Avro snatched and started chowing down on but his lovely sis Bliss came and the tug of war was on!!! She won. lol. Then Mom came with a package, and flew around with it, encouraging them to fly. Aires and Bliss obliged right away. And then Avro was off!! And he flew beautifully too!! Lots more flights–Aires and Bliss are doing amazing!! But Avro’s last flight,maybe just one too many, had him miss the roof, touch off the building and he disappeared from our sight between the buildings. We think he might be the fledgling that ended up high on a glass ledge but it was dark and we could not id. But he had been doing so well that we have high hopes that Rob will find all three high and well in the morning!! It is very late and I have to work in the morning lol…I am attaching a few pictures, not the greatest, just from my camera…Lucie will share her great pics at a later date! Another long post from me…Night all

ETOBICOKE June 23 AM Tracy reports

June 23, 2019 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Marion Nash Reports:

this morning I walked into silence. Fledge watchers hate that. Bliss is not on the nest ledge and has definitely flown. Avro is still on his low balcony and Aries on the ledge one slot over from the nest ledge. Both boys are silent. I’ve cleared the ground around the nest complex on both sides including the Sobeys mezzanine. I’ve cleared the Falcon Condo balconies and also the ones at Isy Bloor. Darcy sat on the corner of Mondelez and Lucky sat on the Aberfoyle side calling. On my second round as I was coming up the lane way Darcy flew in with a pigeon. Nothing from Avro on the balcony and no sign of Bliss. I have the two boys in sight and will search for Bliss again once the feeding is done.

No fledge yet

June 22, 2019 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Marion Nash Reports:

Toronto Sheraton
June 22 2019
BonVoy and Quinn still hanging out at home. Lots of flapping, once in a while, but overall another quiet evening at home. Chaos spent some quiet time sitting on the “S” of Sheraton above the nest ledge.

!!! 4 ready to go

June 21, 2019 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill

Doug Garbutt Reports:

Thanks to the volunteers at ADM, our 4 fledglings are being monitored. Since the birds were not banded we are not sure of the sexes. It looks like 3 males & 1 female, not sure. So far, no fledge but it looks like they’re not far off. We do have some pics.