
Josally Continues to Impress at MEC. Olimar Catching Up.

June 07, 2016 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Bruce Massey Reports:

MEC Fledge Watch

Jun. 6/2016:

5: 15 AM-  Arrived at site and set up.  Only one  juvenile seen on side of 3. One adult scene on corner of Nest building.

5:50 AM.- 2 juveniles seen on 3.

6:30 AM.- First juvenile. Flight of the day. Based on the fact I can’t give any style points for the landing. I believe this one was Ollie.  It appeared he was trying to fly from Ledge to Ledge, but then turn back to the building accompanied by an adult.  It was basically a “Hail Mary” landing.  I attempted to scope him, but he wouldn’t give me the color.

6:45 AM-  Whichever juvenile  flew became a moot point as the second juvenile flew over to the roof of the nest building.  This flight however was much more confident in the landing was better therefore again I didn’t scope him but I would say this was probably Josally

8:40 AM.- Bird from top of roof down to brother on ledge.

8:45 AM- Mom in with food to Oimar. Just before Josally decided to fly to 3 Robert Speck Parkway. There is a fairly strong wind and quite gusty.  This gave him a a little bit of trouble landing but I did confirm he had stuck the landing on the top corner of the roof.

9 :30 AM.- By this time, the wind picked up considerably and Josally headed back to the nest building where he introduced his face to the glass.  It wasn’t a real hard hit but he did turn around and head back to #3.  By this time he was followed by a parent and I believe it was the female. Because of the high wind she would not let him back to #1.  Instead, she foiled every attempt for him to get back and slowly worked him to back to over the top of # 3 and then forced him to land behind the walls on the catwalk.  This effectively shut him down from flying in the high winds and in fact it took about 3 hours for him to show himself.

9:45 AM.- As I was putting some things away in my vehicle on the Southside of number 3. I heard a juvenile and adult squabbling. When I look up I saw the female making sure a juvenile landed on the southwest corner of #3.  This was Olimar who also attempted a flight and Mom put him on the building to stop him from flying in the high wind.

12:30 PM- Josally finally extracted himself from the catwalk and flew over to #1 ledge, where he plopped down for a nap. Olimar was visible on the West Desjardins sign

5:30 PM.- Josally flew over towards #3 but then went around and out of my sight.  I eventually found him on the Southside of #3 at the roof level.  His brother had moved around the corner to the east side of #3.

Over the next hour they moved to various areas of #3.

6:45 PM- There were severe thunderstorm warnings. The first storm had an intense micro burst of wind that had to be around 100 kph.  It was so intense it was shaking the car also stripping dirt off the gardens.  By the time the storm hit. Josally had managed to work his way around to the Southside and therefore was fairly protected.  Olimar however, was on the exposed side and must’ve ducked into the window well because much to my surprise he was still were he started off.

7:45 PM. Winston arrived to relieve me, I briefed him and actually went down to the parking lot of #4 to confirm that Josally was still OK.  As I left, I texted Winston this fact.

Note:  This is my last full day here at MEC.  The boys will still be watched but by someone else as Grace was taking over days. As of tomorrow I head down to Bloor/ Islington.  This watch could be interesting as I have 3 girls and one boy.

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