
!!! First Flights in Windsor

June 09, 2016 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge

Marilyn Weller Reports:

Yesterday morning we had a report that the first of our fledglings took a couple of nice flights and was able to return to the nest tray. Today, one of the chicks appeared to lose its footing while perched on a steel girder under the bridge. After a looping flight, the fledgling had a rough landing in a tree and then dropped to the ground. Volunteers were able to rescue the fledgling and he was later banded and identified as male. There was a slight injury to one wing, so to play it safe, the fledgling was taken to an area rehab for the night. We are hopeful that this male will be able to be released tomorrow.

Paul Gosselin sent a great shot of fledglings on the nest tray, taken this evening. Beautiful shot of the open wing!