
Ogden Still at Home

July 14, 2015 - Mississauga - Holcim

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Yesterday after checking in at William Osler I headed down to Holcim to see how little Ogden was doing.  Margaret, one of our watchers from MEC, checks in on the site on Fridays when she is in the area and she noted that while he still bore some down he was flapping strongly and exercising very well.  With her observations in mind and knowing that he is right around the perfect age for fledging, approximately 38 days now, I wanted to check in on his progress.

I found him easily enough when I arrived right on the edge of the nest ledge.  He still had a downy mohawk and has still yet to fledge.  I don’t blame him.  The past few days have been so hot, humid and virtually windless that it would make that first flight a really tough one.  He sat in the hot sun calling to his parents as he wanted breakfast regardless of the heat.  Good, they are weaning him.  I found Caspian up on the top rail of the central plant and the male down by the south silos.  They had Ogden lined up should he take that first flight and were ready if he chose to go.  Definately not much flapping today but he had that look.  You know the look.  The one where they settled down in their bouncing and playing and start to seriously target where that first flight is going to take them.  He’s not far off from taking that flight, that’s for sure!  During the time that I was there, the parents would occasionally go out on a hunt but nothing too intense or serious.  It was more a hunt of opportunity.  If they came up with something that was great but no real drive behind it to succeed.  The male went after a flock of starlings over Avonhead Road but did not come up with anything.  Caspian flew north to the heart of the quarry after some pigeons but again a half hearted chase.  After each hunting attempt they returned to their perches that I originally found them on and watched Ogden.  They know its soon!

I will be back later in the week and I suspect our little man may have flown by then.  The Holcim staff are amazing and will also keep an eye out for Ogden.  Margaret will also pop in at the end of the week for a site check.  We look forward to his first flights!