
K-W Fledge Watch starts on June 11!

June 02, 2015 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

Chroma, Reggie, Ginnie and Redbud are all growing rapidly and look like they are anxious to fly. They are no longer just fluffy white chicks, they are now black and white as their feathers grow in. The nest is strewn with many wings of seagulls and other birds. When the young ones are passed out after a meal it’s sometimes hard to tell where the falcons are as there are so many feathers in the nest box. Chroma is one large baby and has been flapping her almost grown wings like a grown falcon. Mystery brought in a seagull on Friday and poor little Reggie got all tangled up in the wings of the feast as she brought it into the nest box as his sisters clambered to get a piece of it. All are venturing out onto the balcony and are very active.

The chicks will be 37 days old on June 11, which is the official start of the fledge watch. A training session will be held on June 10 at 6:30 pm in the City of Kitchener parking lot by CTV off of Green Street. All are welcome and with 4 strong and active chicks we will need all the help we can get to keep these young falcons out of harms way! The watch will be on for about 10-15 days. If you are interested in joining the team, please visit the CPF home page and click on Volunteers to sign up.