
Great start to the K-W fledge watch!

June 11, 2015 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

We had good coverage today from the fledge watch team with at least 5 people coming out to keep an eye on these babies. Many eyes are also on the webcam, anxiously watching as all of the babies have been hanging out on the ledge and are often completely out of sight! Karen was at the watch this morning and saw Mystery do a fly by around 10:30. Caster brought a food drop in and then perched on top of the tower until just after noon. Redbud and Ginnie were very active, with lots of wing flapping going on. David was on the watch in the afternoon. Mystery came in at about 1:45 with a pigeon, and landed on the platform above the nest box. She proceeded to pluck and devour the bird but didn’t make any attempt to deliver food to the nest box. The feathers floating down by the front of the nest box created quite a stir among the girls. They screeched the whole time and the females flapped their wings vigorously. Little Reggie remained in the box and out of sight during that time. Mystery continued feeding and was unmoved by their protests. At 1:45, Mystery joined Caster in driving off a red-tailed hawk and then sat atop the tower watching over the nest. Mystery took some short flights, but was always within view of the nest. Mystery may be starting to withhold food to entice the young ones out for their first flights. Later in the afternoon, there was much running around the nest box and more flapping of wings.

Photos courtesy of Karen von Knobloch & David M. Gascoigne

Ginnie Mystery Caster Caster Redbud