
Holcim Pair Are Ready

March 27, 2015 - Mississauga - Holcim

Tracy Simpson Reports:

This morning at Holcim the resident adults are very busy working towards laying eggs this season. The female emerged from the nest ledge and flew into the plant area where she sat for quite some time looking as though she was deep in thought. Egg lethargy is very apparent. If she hasn’t laid her first yet it will be laid in the next few days. She has yet to come close enough for a reading of her bands but her lack of a USFW combined with her black over green recovery band is consistent with Caspian. In the past hour the pair have copulated twice and I could clearly see that the male  has a solid black recovery band and a silver USFW. This is consistent with Storm. As I write this he has just delivered her breakfast!

I will try and confirm identities before I move on today but will certainly be back for more observations.