
Flight School in Windsor

July 04, 2014 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge

Marilyn Weller Reports:

Maureen reports:

Today I spent just two hours at the bridge. Shi Bi was high on the ledge, seemingly content. She was joined briefly by Maya and Sojourner; Lancaster landed higher up the bridge, denying a great photo op with all four in a row. Three of the four flying very well, in and out of the bridge. Mom and dad flew by but did not stick around.

Seeing how three of four are not in danger, and Shi Bi is able to fly and was on a high ledge, I made the executive decision to not stick around today. Yesterday Shi Bi did not leave that ledge, it was sort of boring watching and waiting and nothing happening. From the evening reports I am pretty confident Shi Bi can fly and land up high, certainly the other three are not having any issues.

Lancaster continues to be a good big brother, sitting with Shi Bi on the ledge and trying to entice her to fly off with him.
The CBC radio reporter dropped by briefly, just to take pictures, and I think got decent shots of all four on the east side of the bridge. The kids were compliant today. Kerri was with me today, she also got some good picks, we left just before noon.

Now the fun starts, as we can watch for pleasure, without too much worry!


And from Marliese:

I had just about the same experience in my morning stint. I took over from Cathy at 8 . Although she and Mike reported lots of flying and feeding around 7 , it was the other 3 that did the flying. Shibi was getting a suntan so I did not have much worry on my solo watch. Kerri arrived at 9:30. so I was happy to leave a bit early to get to my 10 appt. I did not leave the sign because I made the same executive decision as you that there would be little activity and little worry to come back for this afternoon. I may drop in tonight and touch base with Marilyn.

It’s Marilyn’s call when we put closure to the scheduled observations. I will be out of town for a week as of monday morning. I plan to drop in sat and sun morning for about an hour and perhaps sunday night. I will take down the calendar signs and notes. ‘
I will contact Cathy to collect her sign.
Perhaps Marilyn could contact Dan at the Bridge to let him know we are shutting down and he could get his staff to collect the pilons. Don’t know if we were supposed to put them away every night. I guess there is no hurry to return the stop signs. I have not seen the women drivers of the truck for several days.

I am so relieved that Shi Bi seems to have gained confidence in her flying and landings. Let’s hope that is the end of our panic for her.


I came by after dinner and got to see some fun chases by Maya, Sojourner, and Lancaster. Shi Bi was being lazy and hanging out on a high ledge although she did do some great flights around.

Since all 4 are flying well and seem to be mastering their landings, I would suggest that the need for vigilant watch shifts is behind us for this year. Hurray!!

Heart-felt thanks to all of our dedicated watch team. We’ve gladly added some new members to the team this year and are very grateful for their commitment of time and energy keeping the kids safe!

Now we can sit back and enjoy the antics of flight school.

By the way, I printed up some nifty “Falcon Watch Volunteer” signs for our cars. I have a stack in my car so I’ll be glad to pass along so you don’t get hassled when you’re at the bridge this summer.

Thanks again and keep your eyes toward the skies!