
July 03, 2014 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Marion Nash Reports:

I was out yesterday evening for a bit and believe that I saw all three babies. I did see one baby on his own and then at some point later see the two together so I am assuming that meant I saw all three. There was a point when one of the babies was chasing a gull. The gull was unconcerned and, although it jinked and dived, there was no panic stricken scream from it. I also saw Haven and Malik at different times. Poor Haven looked as if she really was having a *fuzzy feather* day. Her feathers appeared to be all over the place but in the end she did get them under some control, especially when not sitting in the oncoming wind!
Today, Thursday, was a much quieter day from a peregrine stand point. I only saw Haven, Malik briefly and I believe just one juvie. I did not see the daredevil duo around, at least not together. They may have appeared alone at different intervals but I think not. Haven was sitting atop the tall condo across Yonge from Canada Square when Malik flew to Rio-Can and settled on the south east corner. Haven was there in a flash and attempted to take the food parcel from him. He grabbed it and flew to the south west corner with Haven hot on his tail. A juvie appeared out of nowhere and followed Haven who by this time had the food parcel. She and the juvie attempted a transfer and I thought I saw the food parcel fall free. I must have been mistaken because the next thing I saw was the juvie on the roof of Rio-Can and he was eating.
Haven flew over Canada Square and when I was not looking land on the third ledge south. The juvie flew to the south east corner of Rio-Can, Malik eventually flew in and sat on one of the window uprights and that is where I left them.