
Tuesday in Windsor

June 24, 2014 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge

Marilyn Weller Reports:

Lots of activity in the nest but no one took their first flight. Still waiting for the real action to begin.

The afternoon crew took cover in cars during the storm today so BIG THANKS for keeping watch in horrible conditions!!

We could really use some extra help mid-afternoons to early evenings. We’re shorthanded from 3 to 6 weekdays so if you can break free, your assistance would be much appreciated.

The weekend is fast approaching and it would be great to pencil in some shifts. Please feel free to sign up on the grease board at the bridge or to let me know if you have time to watch this weekend. I’m pretty confident we’ll have flights to watch by the weekend.

Thanks to all who are coming out to keep watching and to help in the event of any difficulties!