
Oliver comes to ground

June 27, 2014 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Linda Woods Reports:

Sheraton’s last fledgling came to ground level this afternoon. What a surprise that must have been for all the foot traffic in the busiest part of the downtown core.  Oliver, who we are thinking is really Olivia was late in fledging which had us thinking that perhaps at banding being youngest was really female. Hard to say at the time of banding as the weight and size did not fully point to either male or female.

There were no injuries and a beautiful bird to say the least. Olivia will be kept overnight and examined on Friday by Ministry of Natural Resources biologist.

The other three were not in view this evening, probably camped out in the shade and exploring areas beyond our view from the nest area. I’m sure they’ll come closer to home for the night as they always do.

Many Thanks to Marcy and Security Staff of the Financial Building on University Ave for alerting us to the grounded peregrine.

Toronto Sheraton Guest Services and Toronto Sheraton Hotel Security for once again assisting our volunteers.