
A slow day at the Canada Square nest site at Yonge & Eglinton

June 24, 2014 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Marion Nash Reports:

June 24th - 2014
Marion Nash Reports:

Today was a relatively slow day. It was muggy out but every now and then we benefitted from a cool breeze. Because we did not have to search for the young peregrines it was quite a restful day at Canada Square. When I arrived at 10:30am I saw young Chinook on the very corner where we had left him last night. He was squawking. One of the other two was visible on the level below the *larder* one over from the large concrete wall. Malik was on the fourth ledge over from the concrete wall and Haven was on Rio-Can.

We were in the shade of a tree on Duplex Av and then migrated to the shade in front of the police station.
Eventually the third *child* showed himself and we had all three babies in plain view. When it became too hot for any one of them they simply lay down in a spot of shade, sometimes disappearing from view.

I think Haven thought everyone had rested enough and it was time to get going so she flew onto the *larder* level just above the Equinox and Linden. There was much squawking and wing stretching and even a bit of wing flapping. However, neither of the two babies chose to hop up to Haven’s level. When she realised the activity was only *show* she flew off that ledge and went two further along. This got one of the youngsters active and he flew onto the ledge and then up to the top of the wall above her. Haven flew and the youngster remained behind.
Before this activity, though, Equinox and Linden were bonding. They were beak to beak and rubbing beaks; it looked as if they were kissing one another. So gentle with each other using those lethal weapons!!

Everyone settled down again and for another hour it was quiet. Only one of the youngsters flew around after that and I think because of the flights and the ability to fly it must have been Linden. He flew off the wall on which he was perched, around the north end of Canada Square, gained height and then flew back to Canada Square, hesitated just a tad before fly to the antennae on top of the building and did a great landing on one of the speaker/microwave/thingies.

At some point a storm blew in and the birds all hunkered down out of the wet if possible. During a bit of a lull we went into the Y/E centre and had a bite to eat. When we came out the rain had stopped but by the time we got to our vantage point it was raining gain and so we popped into the nearby doorway and waited it out there. At this point there was still only one youngster flying. The other two popped up periodically and then ducked out of sight again. Chinook was vocal especially if he saw one of the adults doing a fly-by to check on them.

It continued to drizzle and we called it a night early. The two older fledglings had demonstrated they could fly well even if Equinox appeared a little lazy to do so. So we were not worried about them. We thought that Chinook was still a bit young and would not fly today. So we left them. Linden was on top of the south west corner of Rio-can and Equinox and Chinook were in the same place they had been all day on Canada Square.