
2 fledged today

June 22, 2014 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Marion Nash Reports:

I was late getting out this morning and when I looked over at the *porch level* on Canada Square I saw two little peregrines and believed all was well. So I settled down for a short watch as I had another appointment for a few hours. Mark was here to help Marion whilst I was gone. We found Haven on one of the walls south of the nest. Mark threw a spanner in the works by saying something like this * there is a peregrine on the balcony at the corner and I can’t tell if it is a young one or adult, no it is a baby. You have your first fledge*. I thought we had the same two on the *porch* as we had yesterday. Not so! Anyway, he woke up and flew again before I left and Marion saw his flight over 2190, (black building), and saw him come down on it. Until this point we had no idea who had fledged. I left and Marion will fill in the second fledging and the identity of the two peregrines.

On my return Marion and Mark had worked out who was who and where. I spotted one of the young peregrines on the roof believing it to be the first fledgling! Little did I know we had two fledglings. I saw Haven fly low over the bus bays, around the CIBC building and back around the south side of Canada Square by which time she was high enough to land on the roof with the pigeon she had. The fledgling was on top of the concrete wall and Haven landed away from him on the |north west corner of Canada Square. Linden, who was on the roof did not take long to run around to Haven and take the food from her. Later on we saw Haven back on the roof attempting to take the food from him but he prevailed. He was NOT giving up the remains!

Equinox, the first to fledge, was still on 2190 and exploring the edge of that roof. There was a point when it looked as if we had two birds on the short edge facing Duplex Ave. It was a sort of optical illusion because of the way that edge and the 90 degree angle wall to it reflect in one another. We could clearly see Equinox and the reflection was just as clear and looked like a second bird. Haven and Malik took to the air and flew over Canada Square and 2190 then over Duplex, all the while Haven was haranguing Malik. She told him off in no uncertain terms and then she flew west. Malik landed on the south west corner of Rio-Can.

Eventually Malik flew in and landed on the nest level and finally dropped down to the *porch* and gave a food parcel to Chinook, left there on his own. I must say it was an effective move because it put an end to his endless squawking. After leaving the food parcel Malik flew to the last wall south of the nest and landed there but it was short-lived! Linden, a little miffed at not getting any more food, flew across the roof top and onto the same ledge and knocked Malik off! Linden seems to be the *flyer*. He has maintained his height.

Finally, late in the day, Equinox took flight from 2190. He flew on the Yonge street side of Canada Square. Marion went in search and found him perched on the south side of the CIBC building. So we packed up all the gear and moved to Yonge Street. We felt that Linden was doing well and did not need us there.
Equinox kept popping out over the edge of CIBC and then would disappear for a few minutes. This went on for ages until we no longer saw him. So we went looking for him. Still no sign of him in spite of the elevated view Marion had. He may have flown off when a number of pigeons flew and we did not notice him go. Haven had circled over him earlier and had flown off in the direction of 2190 so it is possible that is where he is. Marion noted that Haven was not in this vicinity and it is quite possible she has eyes on him. We will do a search for him in the morning as it was dark when we called off the search.
