
Chinook - (nic-named Nook) missing.

June 27, 2014 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Marion Nash Reports:

By the time I arrived this morning Marion had checked all over for Chinook who was nowhere to be found! About a quarter hour after my arrival Marion and I were planning what to do if/when we found him and we discussed various scenarios requiring action and those not needing action.
I think there is a *devils triangle* equivalent somewhere in our peregrine territory!

A place where he disappears and when he makes a nuisance of himself he is *booted* back to Yonge/Eglinton area again. Whilst we were talking he just mysteriously appeared and the fire escape behind 2190 Yonge! Sitting as still as a church mouse. Apparently an alarm had been set off somewhere and people ended up outside so this may just have disturbed him and flushed him from his hiding spot!

We chose to watch him. Two hours later after some activity from the others, but after they had all settled down again, Chinook flew once more. I think he ought to be renamed *Wrong way*! He flew around the building heading towards the rest of the parking lot and disappeared from sight. Marion was up and running armed with a towel and walkie-talkie. No luck. He was not to be found!

We had plenty of activity from the others in short bursts after long rests. I must say that I agreed with the siesta times. There was a sporadic warm breeze which did nothing to cool us off.
Firstly Haven and a juvie played tag for short time and Haven so outclassed the youngster in skill and manoeuvres that he gave up fairly quickly. Five hours later (!!!) two juvies played tag and were better matched. I don’t know who chased whom but they had fun. They talon touched and turned to do so in the air and then the big moment when there was a talon grab (and let go) and naturally the accompanying squawks ! After some flying all over the home territory they came to roost on the Antenna atop Canada Square. They settled down and apart from a little wing bashing and *kissing* (beak to beak stuff) they rested.

Later on Malik went into a stoop over the bus bays and around the south end of Canada Square but came up empty. This did not deter one of the juveniles from launching into flight from somewhere south, squawking madly and landing on the antenna. Not too sure why he landed there! Malik flew again and there was another squawk and Linden who was stretching his wings on the antenna and *oops* was launched into unexpected flight by a breeze. He was a bit taken aback and almost forgot to flap but recovered his composure and nonchalantly flew around the bus bays, dived on his brother on the antenna and then effortlessly flew to the top of the south Condo and landed! He flew some more after that, around Rio-Can, high over Canada Square and up onto the west side of Rio-Can.

A little later Haven flew in with a food parcel which create a bit of mayhem. Malik flew to the third balcony south of the concrete wall, the juvie on the antenna flew down to the Canada Square roof but no-one flew to Haven on top of the wall above the nest ledge. There was more flying and tag, over the bus bays, by the two juveniles. The Malik joined in the chase and they flew back over the bus bays and past Haven who joined in. All four flew to the east side of the Heart and Stroke building and were gone for just a short period. Haven flew to the very top of the south Condo and one juvenile flew to the antenna on Canada Square. Malik and a second juvenile flew onto Rio-Can.

We are still missing a third juvie and assume that it is Chinook. From the exhibition put on earlier by the two we have assumed they are Equinox and Linden. Those two little birds have really bonded and they play well together.
Tomorrow, yet another search!
