
O’Connor is Officially a Grandmother!!

May 25, 2014 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:

I don’t think there is anything that would make O’Connor’s day more than a duck dinner or knowing that her offspring have gone on to do well for themselves.  Well, her offspring from 2010, named Athena, who was hatched at the William Osler Hospital is thriving out in Stoney Creek!!

Initially Athena was discovered with a local male named Craig from the MEC site who also hatched in 2010.  They chose to nest in a communications drum just off of Fruitland Road in Stoney Creek but were unsuccessful in hatching young in 2012.  In 2013, the pair wandered and this year they were discovered incubating eggs in a nook in the wall of a quarry just north of their previous location.  After our site visit to the quarry yesterday we can confirm that they have at least two chicks that look to be about 5 days old!!

Congratulations O’Connor!!  I know nothing would make you happier!!