
!!! I believe we have big news here At George St Brampton!

May 22, 2014 - International, National and Local News

Marion Nash Reports:

Wed evening I was going to my Birthday dinner.
Wed things were unsettled all day, whomever was visible was antsy. Then at 6pm I once again saw an male interloper driven off to the East, Midnight came off the ledge to join in but stopped at the BoM for a moment then straight back and in on the ledge. Male returned in 5 minutes and was very agitated. Thats is twice I have seen an intruder and I suspect there have been other incursions into their territory.

Then thurs morning at 645am she came off the ledge with no male to take over , she went to a corner 50 ft away and picked at a stash, she kept opening her wings and finally took off and twice approached the ledge before settling and going in CARRYING a small piece of food. Ten minutes later he returned with a kill and they did a midair exchange, he went in and she went to John st to eat! I believe that indicates Feeding and a hatch occured either Wed or early Thurs. This fits with my estimate of when incubation started and when a hatch would occur.
Grace maria and I are very excited!!!!

This morning there was a 7am exchange …. and while watching her eat we talked to construction workers arriving for work and told them we would update them if they would keep their eyes open for us.

Toivo, Grace & Maria