
Chester and Jenna on Eggs at DeBeers

April 07, 2014 - International, National and Local News

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Yesterday Bruce and I went out to the ICICI nest site at Don Mills and Eglinton for a check in on the progress being made by Jenna and Chester towards hatching young.  When we arrived, we checked in with security first and then made our way out to the parking lot.  After a quick scan we located Chester right away on the Foresters sign where he was roosting on the R; Jenna was not in sight.  We set up to watch Chester and see where he was going to go when he moved. He came off of the sign heading straight for us and when he got over the parking lot he flew past the east side of 250 Ferrand and then circled back landing on the DeBeers sign.  There he sat preening for about 15 minutes before he was off heading back to the Foresters building.  He landed in the O and I must say retrieved a substantial cache from the back of the letter.  It looked more gull sized than anything and he began to chow down.  After eating his fill he flew back over to the DeBeers building and right up into the east ledge.  He disappeared into the ledge being very vocal and about 1 minute later, he was out and on the DeBeers sign once again where we were able to confirm his band number.  All of Chester’s attention was focused on the DeBeers building at 250 Ferrand, sister building to ICICI, and so we kept our eyes glued to his every move.  He stayed on the sign a little longer this time before he was in the air and back over to the east ledge of DeBeers.  He disappeared into the back of the ledge for several minutes but this time it was Jenna, the unbanded resident female, that came out to the edge of the ledge and took flight.  She didn’t go very far, just around the corner to the sign, where she took up position showing off her very full crop.  I think Chester must have muscled her out of there insisting that it was his turn to incubate.

The great news is that Chester and Jenna are in full time incubation.  The interesting news is that the have decided to switch it up and change buildings.  They are on the exact same ledge as last year but instead on the sister building to ICICI.  We aren’t sure when they went down on the eggs full time but we believe that given recent observations that they may in fact be a good week into it.

Pictures to follow.