
William Osler Naming Contest Now Closed and Kids Have Their New Names!!

July 21, 2013 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Tracy Simpson Reports:

With the William Osler name the chick contest now officially closed we thank all of you that participated in voting for the names that the birds will now currently enjoy.  The names of the birds and the tape colors that they are associated with are as follows. The first fledge, little blue tape, is officially named Maverick. Our second fledge, who became affectionately nicknamed Roxy red, is now most fittingly named Aura.  Our second female who was flying like a trooper on her second flight with white tape is now named Blizzard. And finally our little male with yellow tape, who enjoyed napping in the residential area eavestroughs on his first flight, shall be known as Apollo 3.  Congratulations all of the folks that participated in the contest and especially to the family at William Osler. Thank you so much one and all for participating in such a wonderful and important contest.  As I continue to catch up and update you on posts I will now refer to all of the fledglings by their official names.

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