
!!! Eve is ready to go!!!

July 31, 2013 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill

Doug Garbutt Reports:

During the last two weeks, whenever I have been able to view Eve in the nest box she has always looked lazy & not too energenic. Normally we see juvies at this age very active.I think that because I can only view her on my lunch break for about 10 minutes that I could be missing the whole picture. I was actually worried about her health as she would just be laying around. Yesterday & today are a whole different story. Eve was scwacking and excercising her wings like she was ready to take off. At one point, I thought she was going to go but she had second thoughts and decided to wait. Mom & Dad are trying to coax her to fledge by not bringing dinner & doing some teasing fly-bys but Eve is so far staying tight in the nest box. I’ll be surprised if she does not fledge tommorow. Stay tuned!!!